Friday, February 23, 2007
More Praise for Fitz

Here's some more examples of Patrick Fitzgerald's stellar performance in the Libby trial:

The trial has given Fitzgerald chances to show his well-known mastery of
facts and his expertise at cross-examination.

When Libby's former deputy, John Hannah, testified for the defense on
the overwhelming nature of Libby's job, Hannah said that at the time, Libby was
monitoring al-Qaeda plots, the Iraq war and other national security

Hannah, who said he was lucky to get a few minutes to talk to Libby, was
supposed to help buttress Libby's argument that he had more important things to
remember when he spoke to investigators than conversations with

With two quick questions, Fitzgerald drew Hannah to the week of July 6,
2003, when, the jurors had been told, Libby met for two hours with Times
reporter Judith Miller to complain about Wilson.

"And so, if you look at what was going on . . . if he gave someone an hour
or two during that week, it was something that Mr. Libby thought would be
important, correct?"

Hannah paused, but had to agree: "With regard to me, yes."

Despite his seriousness, Fitzgerald also has shown a sense of humor. He
warned U.S. District Judge Reggie B. Walton that playing an interview from the
"Imus in the Morning" radio show would be problematic because "there's no Imus
exception to the hearsay rule."

Washington lawyers who have dropped in to watch the case say Fitzgerald's
skills were best demonstrated in the tapes played in court of him questioning
Libby before a grand jury. Under relentless questioning, Libby explained over
nearly an hour that he forgot he learned about Plame from Cheney, then believed
he learned it for the first time from NBC's Tim Russert, but recalled that
Cheney did not share classified information. Libby's voice increasingly faded in
strength, as Fitzgerald made him sound more and more illogical.

"And so when Tim Russert had this conversation with you, you didn't
remember that the vice president told you in June that Wilson's wife works at
the CIA," Fitzgerald said, "but when you remembered what you forgot, you
remembered that you learned it in June not to be classified."

He paused, then asked incredulously: "As you sit here today, is that your
testimony under oath?"

The jury comes back on Monday.

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