Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Libby Trial Information

I highly recommend the blog Firedoglake, which has been following the Plame/Fitzgerald investigation from the beginning, for information about the Libby trial. They will be blogging daily on the trial goings-on.

Today, they've got summaries of the opening statements. Here's an interesting snippet from a summary of the opening statement by Theodore Wells, Libby's lawyer:

Fitz said Libby may have had a motive to lie, because Scottie said you'd
lose your job if you leaked.

Mr. Libby was not concerned about losing his job. He was concerned
about being set up. He was concerned about being the scapegoat.

Mr. Libby said to the VP, "I think the WH, people are trying to set me up,
people want me to be the scapegoat. people in the WH want me to protect Karl

Cheney made notes of what Libby said. Notes show Libby telling VP that he
was not involved in leak. [oops, Wells, accidentally said, "not involved in leak
to Karl Rove.]

Cheney's note: "Not going to protect one staffer and sacrifice
the guy that was asked to stick his neck in the meat grinder because of the
incompetence of others."

The person who was to be protected was Karl Rove. Karl Rove was President
Bush's right hand person. Karl Rove was the person most responsible for making
sure Bush stayed in office. He had to be protected. The person who was to be

So Mr. Libby because of the incompetence of th CIA had to go into the meat

"They're trying to set me up, they want me to be the sacrificial

I demand I will not be sacrificed so Karl Rove can be protected.

Cheney forces the WH to say to the press the same things they had said
about Karl Rove.

But unlike Karl Rove, Libby had not been pushing this story.

Mr. Libby was just a staffer, an important staffer, but Karl Rove was the
lifeblood of the Republican party.

So, Libby is going to argue that the White House was circling wagons around Rove to protect him, and he feared that he was going to get thrown to the wolves. Hmm. Rove is apparently on Libby's witness list. That could be interesting.

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