Monday, January 09, 2006
Hermes Ties?

After having breakfast with Judge Alito this AM, Bush had this to say about his pending nomination to the Supreme Court:

Good morning. I just had breakfast with Judge Alito. I told him I think he
conducted himself with such dignity and class in the weeks leading up to the
confirmation process, which begins today. Sam Alito is imminently qualified to
be a member of the bench. I’m not the only person who feels that way -- the
American Bar Association looked at his record, looked at his opinions, looked at
his temperament, and came to the same conclusion, that he is well qualified to
be a Supreme Court judge.

Sam’s got the intellect necessary to bring a lot of... class to
that Court.
He’s got a judicial temperament necessary to make sure that
the Court is a body that interprets the law and doesn’t try to write the law.
And so I’m looking forward to your hearings. I know the American people will be
impressed, just like I have been impressed and a lot of other members of the
Senate have been impressed.

Without the audio, you can't hear the noticable pause before the word "class" as the always-eloquent Bush was looking for the right word to describe what Alito would bring to the court.

But "class"? That's what you can say your nominee will bring to the Court?

Does that mean that Alito is going wear really nice suits? A really well-tailored robe? Will he promptly answer the door if someone knocks during a conference?

I can only imagine what Harriet would have brought.


UPDATE: Here's a link to the video. The "class" quotes is just a few seconds in.

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