Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Colin The Truth-Teller

Colin Powell tells David Frost what we all already suspected:

He also referred to his relationship with Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld
and Vice-President Dick Cheney - often depicted as icy.

"Secretary Rumsfeld and Vice President Cheney and I occasionally would
have strong differing views on matters. And when that was the case we argued
them out, we fought them out, in bureaucratic ways," he said.

"Often maybe Mr Rumsfeld and Vice-President Cheney would take decisions
into the president that the rest of us weren't aware of. That did happen, on a
number of occasions."

Asked about post-war planning for Iraq, Gen Powell said his state
department staff drew up detailed plans, but they were discarded by Mr
Rumsfeld's defence department, which was backed by the White House.

"Mr Rumsfeld and I had some serious discussions, of a not pleasant kind,
about the use of individuals who could bring expertise to the issue. And it
ultimately went into the White House, and the rest is well known."

Someday, the rest will come out.

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