Saturday, October 22, 2005
Hypocrisy Alert
Many on the right have claimed that the media was irresponsible in the way it handled the Katrina story (as well as CBS in the Bush National Guard documents story). Essentially, their argument goes something like this: the media ran stories based on information that proved to false or not completely true, and it was irresponsible for the media to run these stories until it could make sure that the information that it was relying on was 100% accurate. Otherwise, the argument goes, the media based its reporting on information that later turns out to be false, by which time it is often too late to create the problems the earlier stories have caused, usually problems of perception.
Now, mind you, by and large, the media was correct on Katrina, particularly as it related to the Bush Administration's inadequate response. This fact is clear by now and only the most partisan of Republicans will argue that point. (And, whatever you think about the National Guard documents, it seems pretty clear that the information contained in them was accurately reflecting Bush's Guard service.)
But the point I wish to make is something different. I find it quite ironic that the very same conservatives who make the argument listed above about the news media have no problem whatsoever with our government invading another country based on intelligence that proved to be completely wrong. Putting aside the question of whether or not the intelligence was stretched and fabricated (which I believe there is pretty strong evidence of), the Bush Administration in Iraq did exactly what these right wingers say the media should not do. Moreover, I would assume that a government going to war should be held to a higher standard than a news organization, since, well, people die when you go to war.
But there's not been a peep by these right-wing groups about this. I won't hold my breath. Currently, they area too busy arguing that Miers' ideology makes her unfit to serve on the Supreme Court. Hmm, I wonder where I heard arguments like that before...
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