Friday, September 02, 2005

Re: Bush's astonishingly false statement asseting that "I don't think anybody could have anticipated the breach of the levees," there's the interesting story of Hurricane Pam:

In July 2004, just over one year ago, FEMA held a five-day exercise at the
State Emergency Operations Center in Baton Rouge to develop joint response plans
for a catastrophic hurricane in Louisiana.

In the staged scenario developed by FEMA, a fictitious “Hurricane Pam”
brought 120-mph winds and storms that “topped levees
in the New Orleans area.
” “More than one million residents evacuated and
Hurricane Pam destroyed 500,000-600,000 buildings.”

The New Orleans Times-Picayune covered the FEMA exercise and reported that
officials focused on six major issues. One of which was: “Removing
floodwater from New Orleans, Metairie and other bowl-like areas where levees
will capture and hold storm surge
, possibly for days or weeks.” The
hypothetical specifically posited the following:

The water would be high enough in parts of New Orleans to top 17-foot
levees, including some along Lake Pontchartrain and the Mississippi River-Gulf
Outlet, Zileski said. Some of the water pushed into Lake Pontchartrain would
flow through a gap in the hurricane levee in St. Charles Parish, flow across
land to the Mississippi River levee and be funneled south into Jefferson and
Orleans parishes.

Surprisingly, the mainstream media is actually calling out Bush for his lie. Not so much the conservative media or bloggers, however. Still following the talking points about not "playing politics" with the situation. Someone tell that to Max Cleland.

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