Monday, September 05, 2005
From the Condi Rice School of Crisis Management

When you are cornered because of your incompetence, just lie, lie, lie. Wonkette covers Chertoff's latest CYA whopper:

On Sunday, DHS chief Michael Chertoff told "Meet the Press's" Tim Russert that
one reason for the delay in getting federal aid to Katrina victims was that
"everyone" thought the crisis had passed when the storm left: "I remember on
Tuesday morning picking up newspapers and I saw headlines, 'New Orleans Dodged
The Bullet.'"

Wonkette then shows about six or seven major papers, including all the major papers in New York, Washington and New Orleans. None of them have the headline Chertoff references.

Wonkette notes:

The Newseum has over 400 frontpages archived but we suspect that the one with the "New Orleans Dodged The Bullet" hed exists primarily in Chertoff's mind.

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