Friday, August 19, 2005
If Howard Dean Had Said This, We'd Never Hear the End of It

Know what the biggest threat facing America today is, per Phyllis Schlafly?

Nuclear proliferation?

Nope, out of control judges.

Here's the Daily Show on Justice Sunday II: The Nutjobs Strike Back.

I don't want to ruin it for you, but two highlights: Chuck Colson telling the crowd how he observed Tom DeLay getting communion along with a line of prisoners in a Texas prison (Jon Stewart's response: "Tom DeLay, walking amidst a line of prisoners. Anecdote or Prophecy?") and Zell "Darth Sidious" Miller. 'Nuff Said.

(Oh, and it doesn't look like Bill Frist was invited back, after his stem-cell shift. I guess the religious right didn't just want him on his knees, as he did with Terri Schiavo, they wanted him to bend over too. )


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