Tuesday, August 02, 2005
I Can Only Assume a Presidential Medal of Freedom for Raffy is Next

One thing you can count on in this Administration (which, in case you forgot, vowed to restore "honesty and integrity" to the Oval Office) is that if you screw up, you will be praised (don't forget to add John Bolton to this list):

In a high-spirited and free-wheeling interview with a handful of Texas
print reporters yesterday, President Bush:

· Expressed "complete confidence" in top aide Karl Rove -- while stubbornly
refusing to say anything more about what he knows about the investigation into
the leak of a CIA agent's identity.

· Said he still believes his friend, Baltimore Orioles first baseman Rafael Palmeiro, has never used steroids -- in spite of the player's suspension Monday for violating baseball's anti-drug policy.

I'm not sure but I believe Bush also said later during the interview that he believes that the Administration is just about to find the WMDs in Iraq and the link between Saddam and 9/11.

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