Thursday, July 14, 2005
This Would Appear to Undercut The RNC Spin on Wilson, No?

Per Raw Story, after the Novak column outed Plame, a certain President's father wrote Wilson a handwritten letter expressing his outrage:

Raw Story: I know that after this occurred you had gotten a kind letter
from George H. W. Bush expressing his concern and dismay.

Wilson: I got a long hand-written note.

Raw Story: What were his sentiments?

Wilson: He expressed his outrage at what had happened and his understanding of the seriousness of it.

Raw Story: And it was he, the elder Bush, who said of outing CIA assets,
was akin to treason and later the current President used that quote as

Wilson: Yes, he said “those who betray the trust by exposing the names of
our sources" are "the most insidious of traitors.”

Raw Story: Have you spoken or communicated with him since that

Wilson: I have not talked to him in quite a while.

Raw Story: Do you think that the former President Bush is really appalled
by all of this?

Wilson: What I can tell you on that that is that after I wrote my first
article for the San Jose Mercury News, on October 13, 2002, I sent him a
courtesy copy because I referred to the first Gulf War. Within days I got a
letter back from him saying basically that “I agree with virtually everything in
your article.”

Someone might want to tell Ken Mehlman. Next the RNC will come out with a list of the Top Ten Inaccuracies of George Herbert Walker Bush.

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