Tuesday, July 19, 2005
A Really Big Tail

Remember in August 1998 when Bill Clinton tried to kill Osama Bin Laden, the most heinous terrorist in the world, after he had bombed two American embassies in Africa? Republicans went nuts, saying that Clinton was "Wagging the Dog," trying to change the subject from his Monica Lewinsky testimony. History has not been kind to this view, putting the lie to claims that Republicans are the better keeper of our national security. I'd like to see someone argue today that Clinton didn't do the right thing.

But this pick, at this time, after hearing that Bush was weeks away, coming on the verge of allegations about his chief political advisor and "architect", including the most recent that Rove likely lied to the FBI in his first interview in 2003 by somehow forgetting he spoke to Matt Cooper about Valerie Plame, is the most clear example of "Wagging the Dog" I've seen.

The Roberts nomination will likely take the oxygen out of the MSM for a few days, maybe a week. Thus, the blogosphere will be vital in keeping the Rove story moving.

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