Wednesday, June 22, 2005
The Good Doctor

This one is really, really good:

"I never made the diagnosis, I wouldn't even attempt to make a diagnosis
from a videotape,"

--Senator Bill Frist, June 16, 2005, after the result of the Terri Shiavo autopsy was
released to the public.

"I question it based on a review of the video footage which I spent an hour
or so looking at last night in my office. She certainly seems to respond
to visual stimuli."

--Senator Bill Frist, on the Senate floor, March 17, 2005, arguing that Florida doctors had erred in saying Terri Schiavo is in a "persistent vegetative state."

Please, please nominate this man for President! Bill Frist '08: Toady, Panderer and Liar.

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