Friday, April 15, 2005
A Party Admission?

Uh oh. The primary voters in South Carolina are not going to like this one bit. John McCain announces that he will not support the nuclear option and, apparently after drinking some truth serum, comes clean about the Republican's unclean hands from the '90s:

On Thursday, one wavering Republican, Senator John McCain of Arizona, told a
television interviewer, Chris Matthews, that he would vote against the change.

"By the way, when Bill Clinton was president, we, effectively, in the
Judiciary Committee blocked a number of his nominees,"
Mr. McCain said.

Yep. Sure did. And Bill Frist is going to a forum run by Rev. Dobson (yeah, the one who was talking about Spongebob being gay) to announce that the Democrats are "against people of faith" for blocking 10 (ten) TEN Bush nominees. First, the diagnosis by videotape by the Cat-Killing Doctor, now this. Josh Marshall says it best on Frist:

How much do we have to endure so that this guy can run for president?

I recall Paul Tsongas pulled out a stuffed panda he dubbed "Pander Bear" on the campaign trail in 1992. Someone needs to order Frist one...

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