Thursday, April 07, 2005
Making Puerto Rico A Steak
Conservative bloggers, on the heels on Rather-Memogate, were pushing hot n' heavy the idea that Democrats had forged the Terri Schiavo "talking points" memo that had been reported by ABC News and the Washington Post. The memo noted that the case was a "great political issue" for Republicans, noting that it fired up their religious base and put Dem. Sen. Bill Nelson (D-FL) in a tough box. So, these bloggers, without ANY evidence, mind you, claimed that this memo was a fake, getting play on Fox News and the Weekly Standard, among others. Apparently, these bloggers were unable to fathom that anyone in their party could have done something so heinous.
Well, guess what? Word comes out today that the memo was NOT a fake, as the legal counsel for REPUBLICAN Senator Mel Martinez (R-FL) admitted that he was the author, and promptly resigned.
So you'd think these bloggers, with such serious, serious egg on their faces, would be offering mea culpas, huh? After all, even Henry Wallace once wrote a book called "Why I Was Wrong" to apologize for his pro-communist views. But no such luck from these guys -- they're still at it -- "OK, it's real, but it's how it was reported that was bad."
Come on guys, you need to learn how to quit when you're beat. And you were DEAD WRONG on this one. Maybe you should take a lesson from Gilda Radner's Emily Litella and just say, "Never mind."
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