Wednesday, January 19, 2005
Ya Used Me, Skinner! Ya Used Me!

So, Mr. Red-State Christian Conservative, remember how you went out to vote in states like Ohio and Florida because you knew that Mr. Bush supported a constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage, despite the fact that you were unemployed or your state's economy was in the toilet? Well, guess what?

Surprise! It was just a craven political stance that he's backing off now that he won the election with your support. And his explanation for the (dare I say) flip-flop is really unbelievable:

On the domestic front, Bush said he would not lobby the Senate to pass a
constitutional amendment outlawing same-sex marriage. While seeking
reelection, Bush voiced strong support for such a ban, and many political
analysts credit this position for inspiring record turnout among evangelical
Christians, who are fighting same-sex marriage at every juncture. Groups such as
the Family Research Council have made the marriage amendment their top priority
for the next four years.

The president said there is no reason to press for the amendment
because so many senators are convinced that the Defense of Marriage Act -- which
says states that outlaw same-sex unions do not have to recognize such marriages
conducted outside their borders -- is sufficient. "Senators have made it clear
that so long as DOMA is deemed constitutional, nothing will happen. I'd take
their admonition seriously. . . . Until that changes, nothing will happen in the

Uh, wasn't DOMA already out there when he pressed for the amendment? At least when his Dad used a craven political issue to win a President election (i.e. a ban on flag burning), he at least following through with supporting the amendment after his election. So that tells you a lot about the guy: willing to advocate writing discrimination into the Constitution just to win, only to back off once he won.

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