Thursday, October 07, 2004
Which Is It?

On Tuesday, in response to a question about his comparison to Edwards, Cheney said this:
With respect to how we've spent our careers, I obviously made a choice for
public service.

Hmm. He seems to be forgetting something on his resume. So let's roll back the clock to 2000 and to what Cheney said during his VP debate with Joe Lieberman:
I've been out of Washington for the last eight years and spent the last five
years running a company global concern. And been out in the private sector
building a business, hiring people, creating jobs.

And when Lieberman said to Cheney, "I'm pleased to see, Dick, from the newspapers that you're better off than you were eight years ago, too," Cheney's response was:

I can tell you, Joe, the government had absolutely nothing to do with it.

Sure sounds like someone is having a hard time being straight with the American people...

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