Tuesday, October 26, 2004
Did Rehnquist Tip Off Bush?

Considering Rehnquist went in for his surgery on Saturday, it appears likely that Bush must have at least have had some advance notice of the illness. It would have been somewhat negligent of Rehnquist not to give the President a heads up about that. But, surprisingly, the Bush administration said they did not know about it until it was announced on Monday. Somehow, I suspect the Bush Administration may be trying to cover up having advance notice of Rehnquist's condition. In Ron Suskind's revealing article in the New York Times Magazine about George W. Bush, he has this nugget buried at the end of the piece, per Salon.com:

Nearly 7,000 words into that 8,000-word story Suskind reported on a private
luncheon Bush hosted in mid-September for his top donors, during which time he
spoke freely, and confidently, about the campaign. At one point Bush promised
loyalists that soon after his inauguration he would have the opportunity to
appoint a justice to the Supreme Court; just the first of what Bush insisted
would be four during his second term.


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