Tuesday, September 07, 2004
September 10th is Bush's Too

On a business trip last week I picked up a copy of the 9/11 Commission Report and read a lot of it on the plane back home. I've got some specific thoughts that I will detail in another post, but I've just come across an excellent review of the Report by Elizabeth Drew in the New York Review of Books that I highly recommend.

Drew very ably addresses the very clear implication in the unanimous report that Cheney decided on his own, without talking to Bush, to give the order to shoot down planes, and then lied to the Commission about when he spoke to Bush about this order. She also notes something that I picked up on as well in the Report concerning Bush at the Florida school that morning:

Subtly but damningly, the report makes it clear that after Bush left the
classroom, "the focus was on the President's statement to the nation"—his
"message"—rather than on taking charge of the nation's response to the attacks.

I'll write more on this topic soon, but as Richard Cohen wrote months ago, if Bush wants to own September 11, as he made clear at his convention he intends to do, then he's got to also take ownership of September 10 as well.

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