Wednesday, August 25, 2004
Not One Mention

One justification made by Republicans for the attack on John Kerry's Vietnam service is that he has brought this on himself by making his Vietnam service the centerpiece of his campaign, rather than, and in the absence of, running on his 20 year record in the Senate.

In light of former Senate Majority Leader Dole's comments about Kerry's service recently, and the fact that Dole repeatedly highlighted his service in World War II during the 1996 election, I thought I would take a look at Dole's 1996 acceptance speech, and contrast it with Kerry's. As the former Senate Majority Leader, I assumed that the speech would be replete with examples of accomplishments by Dole during his service in the Senate, which would justify, at least in part, some of his attacks on Kerry.

Guess how many mentions I found of Dole's Senate record or accomplishments? Nada. Zero. Not one. Check for yourself. Dole didn't even MENTION that he was ever in the Senate.

I didn't hear a lot of complaining in 1996 that Dole was running away from Senate record and running on his war record...

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