Friday, July 02, 2004
The Hunting of the President

With all the hype about F911, which I'm sure is deserved (I'll report back after I've seen it on Monday), I wanted to make a mention of another excellent documentary, The Hunting of the President, which I saw last night.

Based on the excellent book of the same name by Joe Conason and Gene Lyons, the documentary focuses on the Whitewater investigation and does an amazing job of showing what a farce the whole investigation was, and how it was a poster child for prosecutorial misconduct.

The scenes with Susan McDougal are amazingly moving and she comes across, in the words of a friend who saw it with me, as "incredibly credible." What Starr did to her is downright criminal.

Anyway, I don't know how wide the release is, but this is one to look for when it comes to video.

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