Friday, July 30, 2004
The $87 Billion Non-Issue

So here's the situation:  more funds are needed for Iraq.  One man proposes that $87 billion be provided to rebuild Iraq, but only under certain conditions.  In fact, he says that he will oppose any effort to provide the $87 billion in any other manner, other than what he proposed. 

He supports the $87 billion funding request, but only under his conditions.  Otherwise, he opposes it.  Does that make him a flip-flopper?

Because that man is George W. Bush.

As Bob Somerby has accurately described, Bush made his proposal for the $87 billion in funding for Iraq and then said I will VETO any other way to fund this $87 billion. 

Let's remember that and hope the press remembers that too when the Bush Campaign attacks Kerry for having precisely the same position as the President. 

And attack him they shall, because Kerry was awesome last night.  More later...

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