Thursday, June 03, 2004
Who Said This? Again!

Maybe we should have listened -- who made this speech in September 2002?

After commenting that, in contrast to the 1991 Gulf War Authorization vote, President G.W. Bush was rushing for an authorization vote before the midterm election, rather than after, the speaker said:

I believe this proposed foreshortening of deliberation in the Congress robs the country of the time it needs for careful analysis of exactly what may lie before us. Such consideration is all the more important because the administration has failed thus far to lay out an assessment of how it thinks the course of a war will run–even while it has given free run to persons both within and close to the administration to suggest at every opportunity that this will be a pretty easy matter. And it may well be, but the administration has not said much of anything to clarify its idea of what would follow regime change or the degree of engagement that it is prepared to accept for the United States in Iraq in the months and years after a regime change has taken place....

I just think that if we end the war in Iraq the way we ended the war in Afghanistan, we could very well be worse off than we are today. When you ask the administration about this, what’s their intention in the aftermath of a war, Secretary Rumsfeld was asked recently about what our responsibility would be for re-stabilizing Iraq in the aftermath of an invasion, and his answer was, “That’s for the Iraqis to come together and decide.”

Anticipating that the president will probably still move toward unilateral action, the Congress should establish now what the administration’s thinking is regarding the aftermath of a U.S. attack.

Boy, sounds like somebody we should have listened to, huh? Who was it?

Well, that someone was Al Gore. So remember that the next time someone says, Thank god we had Bush and not Gore after 9/11.

Oh, and also remember that the next time you hear someone mock one of Gore's speeches...

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