Tuesday, June 01, 2004
Remember "Kenny Boy?"
So, back when the Enron scandal broke and there was a feeding frenzy about corporate malfeasance, people began to look at Bush's ties to Ken Lay of Enron. (Remember, Bush and Cheney flew to Florida recount events on Enron jets). And Bush tried desperately to back away from his buddy, whom he had affectionately referred to as "Kenny Boy," by making patently false statements that Lay was a supporter of Ann Richards, and not him, in 1994, etc.
Fast forward to 2004 and the allegations about Chalabi. What does Bush say, now that Chalabi is looking sketchier and sketchier (and undoubtedly one of our main sources on the WMDs), an article with the headline "Bush says he had little contact with Chalabi":
Bush said, "My meetings with him were very brief. I think I met with him at the State of the Union and just, kind of, working through the rope line, and he might have come with a group of leaders."
"But I haven't had any extensive conversations with him," the Republican president said.
But look what Bush said about Chalabi back in November 2003, on the way back from his surprise Thanksgiving visit to Iraq:
Q Mr. President, we were told you got to see Mr. Chalabi today?
THE PRESIDENT: I did see Chalabi. I met with -- well, let's see, I had the dinner, you saw that. I wasn't sure how long you were there, you probably timed it, but an hour or so -- are these the times? Oh, these are the people there.
I shook a lot of hands, saw a lot of kids, took a lot of pictures, served a lot of food and we moved on to see four members of the Governing Council -- the names are here. Talibani is the head of it right now, so he was the main spokesman. But Chalabi was there, as was Dr. Khuzaii, who had come to the Oval Office, I don't know if you all were in the pool that day, but she was there -- she was there with him, and one other fellow, and I had a good talk with them.
These lies are bad enough, but the question, of course, is how often has Cheney or Libby or Feith met with Chalabi?
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