Monday, June 14, 2004
Big Dog To Speak at Convention

I've always thought that Clinton's 2000 Democratic Convention speech was one of the best I've heard him give, so I'm glad to see this news, buried in a NYT story about Clinton's book today:

He is also going out of his way not to overshadow Mr. Kerry. For example, Democratic Party officials said Mr. Clinton was scheduled to speak on the first night of the party's convention in Boston, but executives of Knopf, which is publishing "My Life," said that to keep the spotlight on Mr. Kerry, he did not plan to hold a book signing or other event while in town.

I watched Clinton on C-Span at the Bookseller's convention talking about his book and man, he's good. His speech will be a big plus for Kerry, if his DNC Unity Gala speech from two months ago is any indication.

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