Tuesday, April 06, 2004
They Can't Keep Their Story Straight

Remember how people like Sean Hannity defended Condi Rice from Clarke's claim that Condi acted like she had never heard of "al Qaeda" when he first briefed her on terrorism in January 2001? Hannity played a radio interview from October 2000 where Condi referred to "Bin Laden" several times, but never mentioned "al Qaeda." Hannity, and others, argued that Bin Laden = al Qaeda and thus this interview proved Clarke was wrong.

Well, imagine my surprise when I saw this headline on the front page, above the fold, no less, of the Washington Times today:

Al Qaeda absent from final Clinton report

By James G. Lakely

The final policy paper on national security that President Clinton submitted to Congress — 45,000 words long — makes no mention of al Qaeda and refers to Osama bin Laden by name just four times.

Come on, guys. The right hand just doesn't know what the far right hand is doing. Get it straight. Does "Bin Laden" = "Al Qaeda" or does it not?

Also, is the defense to Clarke's serious and unrebutted claims going to be to destroy Clarke's credibility or is it going to be to blame it on Clinton? Golly, you think that they would be able to get these things straight...

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