Thursday, April 22, 2004
Take Heed

It's obviously way too early to be concerned by poll numbers at this time (man, seven more months of this!?!), but some Democrats have expressed concern by the latest national poll numbers showing Bush ahead of Kerry, despite the recent events in Iraq.

Before people starting drinking the kool aid, I wanted to point to this recent Zogby poll that shows Kerry still ahead of Bush by three points. And I'll let Zogby defend himself against those who criticize him and his results:

I haven’t gotten it wrong. I have gotten the presidential elections almost perfect. 1996 was within a couple of tenths of a percent, I had the Gore victory in the popular vote in 2000 and nailed almost all of my elections in 2004 – the primaries. I don’t think that you should look at pinpoint precision, I think you should look at how close the polls are to each other. If you look at mine and the other two we are all in the margin of error.

But Zogby makes another point in defending his recent poll which I think is very salient:

I would ask this question – after the two weeks that the president has had do people really believe he got a bump in the polls?

Zogby has earned the benefit of the doubt from me based on his past results. So let's wait and see.

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