Thursday, April 22, 2004
Prophetic, Oui?
Ann Coulter is about as awful and nasty a person as they come -- readers may remember my quoting her column about Max Cleland a few weeks back. I'm still amazed that anyone can get up on TV and claim that liberals don't make arguments, they only call people names -- and then proceed herself to refrain from argument while calling liberals the most vile vitriol she can think of.
That's why I got such a kick out of this Coulter column from April 30, 2003, around the same time as the infamous "Mission Accomplished" landing by Bush and expressing the same smug view that the war in Iraq is over. Here's the money line for me:
However many precious pots were stolen, it has to be said: The Iraqi people behaved considerably better than the French did after Americans liberated Paris. Thousands of Frenchmen were killed by other Frenchmen on allegations of collaboration with the Nazis. Subsequent scholarship has shown that charges of "collaboration" were often nothing more than a settling of personal grudges and family feuds. This was made simple by the fact that so many Frenchmen really did collaborate with the Nazis. The French didn't seem to resent the Nazi occupation very much. Nazi occupation is their default position. They began squirming only after Americans came in and imposed democracy on them.
Hmm, guess you didn't see that coming, huh, Ann?
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