Tuesday, April 06, 2004
More Than Just A Pipe Dream?

I've been pretty outspoken in my desire to have Kerry pick Edwards as his running mate. But that's only if he picks a Democrat. I've said for at least two years that if Kerry were to pick McCain, it could be a galvanizing moment for the Democrats. First, I believe that it would win the election. Second, I think such a dramatic show of bi-partisanship and attempt at national unity would elevate the Democratic party and allow us to become uniters in this post-9/11 era. That's powerful stuff.

I know, McCain is pro-life and has some positions that will not sit well with some Democrats. But this is about more than that. It's about bringing the country together and I think Kerry-McCain would do that. And it's not as if McCain doesn't have some votes that side with Kerry and the Democrats -- remember, McCain was one of only two Republicans to vote against Bush's tax cuts in 2001, and was also opposed to drilling in ANWR. Personally, I think the one area that would cause the most problems for McCain are the 527 groups like the Media Fund that are using soft money to support the Democrats this year. I'm not sure how he would reconcile his recent criticism of those groups. (Although much of their work may be done by the time that McCain would be selected.)

But this has never been more than a pipe dream, until now. It appears, despite McCain's weak statement of disinterest, that Kerry is seriously considering McCain as his running mate. And please don't forget the residual hatred McCain has for Bush because of what Bush did to him in South Carolina in 2000. Revenge can be a powerful thing.

That would be a home-run. Just imagine McCain against Cheney in the debate...

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