Friday, April 16, 2004
The Lies Pile Up

This White House is great about lying to your face about things in order to create their own reality in the mind of the public. (Claiming to "change the tone in Washington" is one.)

William Saletan in Slate has another good one:

"And as to whether or not I make decisions based upon polls, I don't. I just don't make decisions that way."

—President Bush, White House press conference, April 13

"It was no accident that President Bush passed up five chances on Tuesday night to offer regrets, contrition or an acknowledgement that he might have made mistakes in handling the Sept. 11 attacks or the war in Iraq. … One adviser said the White House had examined polling and focus group studies in determining that it would be a mistake for Mr. Bush to appear to yield."

—New York Times, April 15

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