Tuesday, March 23, 2004
"This is the best they can do"

Once again, I need to recommend Josh Marshall's work, this time on the Richard Clarke story. Marshall sets a standard for bloggers than is hard to even come close to. Marshall has been looking at the desperate, contradictory, nonsensical and illogical arguments that Bush Administration spokespeople have been making on the airwaves to try to counter Clarke's damning allegations. Dick Cheney (surprise, surprise) has some particular egregious misstatements.

It's also interesting that Rice's editorial in the Post yesterday contracticts statements that her deputy, Stephen Hadley, made on 60 Minutes trying to defend the Administration's position.

Marshall noted yesterday that "If they're resorting to blatant distortions and untruths this quickly they must not have a good defense." Now he's concluded "This is the best they can do."

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