Friday, March 19, 2004
South Carolina Redux

The heart of the Bush campaign is defense and national security. That's the one area that Bush is polling better than Kerry, and they've made it clear that they're going to attack Kerry as weak on defense. Indeed, as Dick Morris has written, Kerry has the clear advantage on the economy and Bush has the clear advantage on national security. (Morris makes the interesting argument that to talk about the other's issue to defend yourself is to heighten its importance.)

That's why they must apoplectic that John McCain was asked about Kerry's record on defense yesterday and that McCain defended Kerry against the attacks. McCain said, "I don't believe that he is quote weak on defense." That's a huge gift to Kerry.

The fact of the matter is, no matter what loyalty McCain feels to the Republican Party, he hates Bush and likes Kerry. (If you don't know why, read this for a brief summary. But all you need to know is that Republican operatives in South Carolina in 2000 implied that McCain had fathered an illegitimate black daughter, when, in actuality, his dark-skinned daughter Bridget had been adopted by McCain and his wife, Cindy from Mother Theresa's orphanage.)

So we might see a repeat of this down the road.

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