Tuesday, March 02, 2004
How Far Right is Far Right contd.

This speaks volumes of President Bush's position supporting a consitutional amendment banning gay marriage (and, if you read the fine print, civil unions as well): former Chief Judge Roy Moore opposes it. As quoted on politics1.com:

You can tell the proposed constitutitional gay marriage ban is in big trouble when even "Ten Commandments Judge" Roy Moore (R) -- the ousted Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice -- has now announced his opposition to the amendment. "I don't think you can make a constitutional amendment for every moral problem created by courts that don't follow the law of their states ... I think it's a problem to establish morality by constitutional amendments made by men when the morality of our country is plainly illustrated -- in Supreme Court precedent and in state-law precedent and in the common law -- as coming from an acknowledgement of God," explained Moore in an interview yesterday with the NY newspaper Forward.


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