Wednesday, March 31, 2004
Corporate Vacation

One issue that hasn't been brought up yet by the 9/11 Commission is the vacation that Bush took for the entire month of August 2001. At the time this was a relatively unprecedented event (I believe only Nixon had taken a comparable vacation during his Presidency). But as the Bush Administration argues that it was in "battle stations" and people cancelled vacations in the summer of 2001, it's hard to argue with Clarke's allegation that he couldn't get a principals meeting that summer because of vacation schedules and there's the president spending a month clearing brush in Crawford.

Personally, I've always thought that the image that Al Qaeda got of Bush taking the month of August off must have only emboldened them before 9/11. If the President is taking a month off, what does that say about the nation's readiness or urgency for a terrorist attack?

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