Friday, March 26, 2004
Boiled Rice?
I used to have some respect for Condi Rice, but her blatant lies and distortions have just gotten to be too much.
First, Rice keeps saying that Bush met on a daily basis with Tenet for intelligence updates before 9/11 as evidence to support her claim that Bush was focused on terror. But the daily briefings that Rice is referring to are the President's daily intelligence briefings. Those briefings occur every day, for all Presidents, regardless of what is going on in the world.
Next is the latest argument offered by the Republican subsidiary, Fox News. Sean Hannity has been playing a radio interview that Rice gave in Detroit in October 2000 that Hannity claims rebuts Clarke's allegation that Rice had never heard of Al Qaeda when he told her about it in January 2001. The problem with Hannity's argument: Rice refers repeatedly to Osama bin Laden in the interview, but never once mentions al Qaeda. (Bob Somerby, as usual, does a great job addressing this.) Heck, even I knew who bin Laden was by 2000 -- after embassy bombings, etc. -- but I didn't know about "al Qaeda."
Desperate people...
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