Friday, February 13, 2004
The Bush Campaign has been e-mailing around a negative ad about John Kerry called "Unprincipled." The ad, in an unbelievably hypocritcal way, claims that Kerry is being bought by special interest money.

If I were the Kerry campaign, I'd just remind people of this:

Aug. 2, 2002, 7:38PM

Bush campaign used Enron, Halliburton jets, records show
Reuters News Service
WASHINGTON -- During the 2000 presidential election recount battle, George W. Bush's campaign used jets owned by several large corporations, including Enron Corp. and Halliburton Co., that are now under federal investigation, according to Internal Revenue Service records and officials.

Democrats said the payments were proof that President Bush and Vice President Cheney were compromised by their close business ties.

"The Bush administration literally flew into power on Enron's and Halliburton's private jets," said Bill Buck, a spokesman for the Democratic National Committee.

The recount committee for Al Gore, the Democratic candidate in 2000, did not report using any corporate jets in its Internal Revenue Service filings.

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