Friday, May 02, 2003
William Bennett has made a career of moralizing, primarily about Democrats. And Republicans eagerly followed his lead and used Bennett as their morality battering ram. So it will be interesting to see what happens after this story gets more play. (The extent to which it does will show the legacy of the "liberal media.") According to the Washington Monthly, Bennett should have called his bestseller "The Bookie of Virtue," because records show that he's got one hell of a gambling problem. I don't know much, but I sure as hell know that gambling supposed to be a sin. And once again, hypocrisy reigns supreme in those who preach morality (remember Gingrich railing against Clinton/Lewinsky while he had his own affair or Henry Hyde during impeachment with his own "youthful indiscretions"?)

For plain political hypocrisy, I recommend this Michael Kinsley article about how Republicans have done a 180 on deficits since the days of the Contract for America and the Balanced Budget Amendment.

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