Monday, February 03, 2003
For those of you who wondered about Miguel Estrada, Bush stealth nominee for the DC Circuit Court of Appeals, Ann Coulter has apparently answered the question of where he stands quite nicely on Crossfire the other night. Here's the relevant exchange, with Ann's final comment speaking about as loud as can be:
BEGALA: Now let me ask you about your book, a huge bestseller, about the American news media. And of course I read it. And let me read to you from the acknowledgements. They're brief, which is notable.
But one of the names you do mention is Miguel Estrada. And you say, "In the event any of them are nominated to confirmable (ph) positions, they're absolutely not responsible for what I write." Miguel Estrada, for those keeping score at home, is now nominated for the second highest court in the land. What did he do to help you on the book, to begin with?
COULTER: I describe it in the acknowledgements what all of my friends do.
BEGALA: No actually you didn't.
COULTER: Yes, I do. You didn't read it that closely.
BEGALA: I'm really curious because you said your "long suffering friends gave me ideas and editing advice." What ideas did Mr. Estrada give you?
COULTER: What was the next sentence?
BEGALA: "I habitually ignore."
COULTER: "Which I habitually ignore." They give me ideas...
BEGALA: The reason I'm trying to tease this out is because Mr. Estrada (ph) would very much like to be on one of the most important courts in the land, but he doesn't want us to know his views on important issues. And is he an Ann Coulter conservative or a Paul Begala liberal?
COULTER: Yes, I get the point you're getting at. We're going to do a little left wing guilt by association.
BEGALA: No. I am curious about his views, Ann.
COULTER: Miguel Estrada is a friend of mine. But just to calm you, Geraldo Rivera is a friend of mine, too.
BEGALA: I understand that. That doesn't calm me, by the way. But does he share your views? Has he ever expressed a view to you about Roe v. Wade, (UNINTELLIGIBLE)?
You're an accomplished attorney yourself. He's an accomplished attorney. You must talk attorney stuff, right?
COULTER: I send a lot of people my columns before they go out. They argue with me. They tell me jokes. They send stuff back. They correct errors. I have a lot of friends and they help me in a lot of different...
BEGALA: So you're not going to tell me about any of his views?
COULTER: What do you want me to say?
BEGALA: Are you embarrassed by his views?
COULTER: The second he gets in there, he'll overrule everything you love, Paul Begala.
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