Tuesday, January 07, 2003
Two things about 2004 today. First, Daschle announces that he won't run. I think this is a good thing. First of all, Daschle made a mistake in the eyes of many Democrats by forgiving Lott too quickly and also by getting hammered by Bush on Homeland Security. Second, Daschle's Senate seat is up in 2004 and he cannot run for Senator and President at the same time under S.D. law (unlike N.C. law). One Senator putting his seat at risk to run for President is bad enough, but two would be disasterous for us. Hopefully Daschle will stay on as minority leader, where he has been very effective in stymying Republicans, and run for reelection in 2004 (there has been some talk he might retire).

Second, I saw that Dick Gephardt will not seek reelection in the House to focus on his Presidential campaign. Two things on this. One, I can almost guarantee that Gephardt will not be the party's nominee in 2004 and he certainly will not win. Josh Marshall put it best: "Gephardt deciding to run for President after what happened in November is "sort of like having your girlfriend dump you and then you say, 'Okay, baby, I can live with that. But I've got another idea for you. How 'bout you and me get married? Huh? Huh? Yeah, baby ... Whaddya think???'"

Second, assuming that Gephardt is out of a job after next year, I think we know who will challenge newly elected Republican Senator Talent in 2008.

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