Wednesday, January 22, 2003
Have you read or heard somewhere recently that "President Bush is offering genuine leadership" or that he has put forth a "bold economic plan" ? Have you wondered what those people were talking about, but after hearing it so often, even you started to believe it as true? Well, the explanation for this may be the result of an orchestrated fake letter writing campaign organized by the Republican party. It appears that, mysteriously, all across the country, letters to the editor are appearing using the EXACT SAME LANGUAGE to describe President Bush as "offering genuine leadership" in the conflict with Iraq.

Now, either there has been a giant mind-meld or something fishy is going on here. It couldn't be the result of poll numbers showing that not only is Bush's approval rating sinking, but so is public support for a war with Iraq? Nah, because we know that this White House doesn't follow polls in deciding policy.

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