Monday, December 02, 2002
Remember how Bush, in the 2000 campaign, slammed the Clinton-Gore Administration as being too poll-driven, and more concerned with politics than what was best for the American people? Remember how Bush promised that things would be different in his administration? Well, it turns out Bush was right: things are different -- they are even more poll-driven and politically motivated. Meet the new boss, worse than the old boss.

John DiIulio, former head of Bush's Office of Faith-Based Initiatives is widely quoted today from an Esquire magazine article where Mr. DiIulio states that the Bush White House is the most political he has ever seen and that Karl Rove is "enormously powerful, maybe the single most powerful person in the modern, post-Hoover era ever to occupy a political-adviser post near the Oval Office."

I mean, we all already knew it, but it's never nice to be forced to come to terms with the fact that Rove is running the country first thing on a Monday morning.

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